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Saving for retirement

If you’re saving for retirement a pension is a good place to start. Pensions may seem complicated, but the idea is simple - it’s essentially a long-term savings plan with tax relief so your savings can grow quicker than might otherwise be the case.

While providing a foundation, the state pension may not be enough for you to live on. You may want to reduce your working hours or stop working altogether before the state pension age, so it’s important to make sure you’re saving enough now to provide for your future.

Approaching retirement

Understanding your pension choices will help you get the most from your retirement and make the money you’ve got last for the rest of your lifetime

Approaching retirement

Quilter Financial Planning Network only: This financial promotion was approved by Quilter Wealth Ltd, Quilter Financial Services Ltd, Quilter Mortgage Planning Ltd, Quilter Financial Ltd, Quilter Financial Planning Solutions Ltd & Lighthouse Advisory Services Limited on 13 June 2023.

The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.