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Pension support

Looking to add or withdraw money from your pension?

Our simple questions and answers will help you understand more about saving into your pension and how to use the money in your pension pot when you want to access it.

Saving into my pension

Pensions might seem complicated, but the idea is simple. A pension is basically a long-term savings plan with tax relief so your savings can grow quicker than might otherwise be the case.

While providing a foundation, the state pension may not be enough for you to live on. You may wish to reduce your working hours or stop working altogether before the state pension age, so it’s important to make sure you’re saving enough now to provide for your future. For most people the main way they top up this income is with their pension.

Because we believe in the value of financial advice, we recommend you speak to your adviser about how you can make the most of your pension savings.

Questions and answers

The information below is designed to answer some of the questions you might have about saving into your pension.

Other things to consider

Taking money from my pension

No one really knows what the future holds but understanding your pension choices will help you get the most from your retirement and make the money you’ve got last for the rest of your lifetime. There’s no rush to decide and you can leave your pension untouched for as long as you like.

Because we believe in the value of financial advice, we recommend you speak to your adviser about how you can make the most of your pension.

Questions and answers

The information below is designed to answer some of the questions you might have about how to use the money in your pension pot.

Other things to consider

Guide to income tax and your pension

Read this 2 minute guide about the payment of income tax when you make a withdrawal from your pension.

Read guide

The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.