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Meet Ursula

Inheritance planning is the biggest driver for someone to seek financial advice

80% of people* would seek financial advice when inheritance planning

An unexpected inheritance can be overwhelming. While Ursula is coming to terms with the death of her mother, she wants to make sure the sudden windfall benefits the whole family without losing control of the money.

Financial advice at a time like this can take some of the weight off her shoulders, and careful IHT and trust planning can ensure the inheritance lasts through the generations.

Download the IHT planning case study Watch our QTalk

The value your advice can make to IHT planning

There are many pitfalls to avoid when dealing with an inheritance. The biggest worry for people is making sure the right people receive the money.

Our useful case study demonstrates how your advice can help structure Ursula and her husband Quinn’s wealth to mitigate their IHT liability and meet Ursula’s objectives for the money.

*Quilter research November 2022

Download case study

Webinar: helping you solve the Inheritance Tax problem

In under 25 minutes, our tax and financial planning expert Rachael Griffin runs through expert tax planning strategies to mitigate potential IHT liabilities and bring the subject alive with our new Ursula case study. Watch our QTalk now.

Watch here

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The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.