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Meet Leanne and Isaac

Help clients like Leanne and Isaac focus on their financial future

Like many entrepreneurs, Leanne and Isaac have focused so much on building their businesses that they have let their own personal finances slip.

Your advice can help them:

  • organise their income tax-efficiently through a combination of salary and dividends, while continuing to accrue state benefits
  • consolidate their existing investments, increasing their cost-efficiency.

Our case study explains in more detail the value your advice can add.

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The advice opportunity for business owners

Whilst clients like Leanne and Isaac are employees for tax purposes, many in their situation see themselves as ‘self-employed’ as they effectively work for themselves. Many self-employed people (around 15% of the UK workforce) will require advice as their approach to pensions and savings varies considerably.

Studies suggest that the number of self-employed people who are contributing to a pension is declining. In 2007-2008, this number was 30%. This fell to just 14% in 2016 to 2017.**

Our case study explores the value your advice can add to these people.

**Enabling retirement savings for the self-employed: pensions and long-term savings trials -
** Family Resources Survey

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Webinar: Funding retirement to the maximum

You can ensure your clients benefit from the great tax advantages that pensions offer. To be fully prepared for tax year end, watch our Q-Talk masterclass hosted by John Corbyn, from our pension specialist team. In 45 minutes, we cover:

  • Helpful hints and tips reminders, including cross wrapper funding
  • The importance of the tapered Annual Allowance for wealthy clients and the default strategy
  • How to make the most of carry forward relief.
Watch now

If you’d like to have a chat about how Quilter can help you support your clients, contact our enhanced Sales Support Team.

The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.