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As a client like Quinn approaches retirement, choosing the right investment is crucial.

Power your client’s pension all the way through retirement

As Quinn approaches retirement the main goal is to ensure his pension assets last as long as possible. When selecting the right investment to achieve this, there are three key areas to consider:

  • longevity risk - given Quinn’s age, it’s natural to consider his life expectancy and whether that will exceed expectations
  • the effects of inflation - the returns on Quinn’s investment must be able to mitigate against inflation, which is currently at an all-time high
  • the sequence of return risk and concentration risk need to be carefully managed to maintain his level of income throughout retirement.

WealthSelect Managed Blend 4

WealthSelect: something for all the family

The WealthSelect Managed Portfolio service offers 56 portfolios, providing the diversity of choice, investment style and objective required to meet the wide-ranging needs of a family.

Tell me more about WealthSelect

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The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.