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Stop and think: emails impersonating Quilter employees

Date: 30 June 2022

2 minute read

Like other financial services companies, Quilter is seeing a rise in fraudsters who are emailing customers pretending to be our employees. These emails can look convincing and aim to get the recipient to click on a dangerous link that could potentially harvest their personal information or download a damaging piece of software onto their device.

We’re therefore encouraging all customers to pause and double check any emails they receive before:

  • Replying
  • Clicking
  • Opening any attachments

If you think you have received a fraudulent email, please delete it without clicking on any links or attachments.

What should I look out for?

These types of frauds have become increasingly sophisticated. The emails are often designed to look like they’ve come from Quilter or another genuine company, using the correct logo and brand colours. Here are some simple checks you can do when you receive an email:

  • Check the sender’s email address is from the company you expect

When a fraudster sends you an email, they can set the short-form name that appears in your inbox to make it look genuine. You can check this name matches the company it’s claiming to be from by clicking on the email sender or hovering over it. Often, fraudulent email addresses look suspicious or may be longer than normal.

  • Check links are genuine before you click on them

Do not click on any links provided in an email before you’ve checked they’re genuine. To do this, hover over the link and you’ll get a preview of the website address the link wants to take you to. If this website address doesn’t appear to belong to the company it’s supposed to have come from, it may be a scam.

  • Don’t be fooled by emails signed by individual names

Fraudster’s may use a pretend name of a Quilter employee to try to gain your trust and encourage you to click on a link. Remember, you can always call us to check whether the email you’ve received is genuine.

  • If in doubt, contact us using a trusted telephone number or email address

We’ve made it easy for you to check whether an email is genuinely from Quilter, by listing our official websites and email addresses on a dedicated webpage.

If you’re still unsure, get in touch by completing our quick and easy scam reporting form.

More information on online safety can be found on our website: Stay safe from scams

The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.