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Responsible investment

Principles for Responsible Investment

Responsible investment is defined by the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment as 'a strategy or practice that incorporates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions and ownership activity'.

Environmental factors include issues such as climate change and resource scarcity, social factors look at people and relationship aspects such as human rights and labour standards, and governance factors look at a firm’s position on issues such as bribery and corruption and lobbying or political contributions.

How does Quilter invest responsibly?

We aim to provide you with multi-asset investment solutions that meet the unique needs and preferences of your clients.

We believe the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into our investment process is the first step we need to take to successfully implement our responsible investment principles. We do this through our responsible investment tier framework.

Manager research

Our responsible investment tier framework starts with our manager research team who undertake a rigorous investment due diligence process, applying both quantitative and qualitative analysis, to assign each fund to a responsible investment tier. The process focuses on the ‘4Ps’ (philosophy, process, people, and portfolio).

Information and reporting

The data on every fund we invest in is collected, monitored, and continually updated, which is vital to ensure you and your clients are kept you up-to-date about your investments with clear and consistent information.

The information and data we maintain is also crucial for the ongoing management of our investment solutions as well as identifying priorities relating to our thematic priorities: climate change, human rights, and natural capital. It also ensures we can knowledgeably engage with managers as part of our commitment to good stewardship.

Strong governance

Our responsible investment approach is overseen by strong internal governance that supports Quilter’s sustainability commitments.

Our responsible investment principles

I. Customers are at the forefront of responsible investment

We focus on delivering the best outcomes for our customers by providing responsible investment solutions that meet their needs and preferences.

II. Strong governance is central to risk management and a well-functioning investment market

We have a clear governance structure that monitors our responsible investment approach and ensures accountability across Quilter. This is also a key factor when allocating capital.

III. Information needs to be clear, consistent, and relevant for everyone

We aim to use high quality, timely, and transparent information to support our responsible investment approach.

IV. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors should be integrated into investment decision-making

We have a clear framework for integrating ESG factors into our investment process.

V. Good stewardship maximises long-term value for customers’ investments

We have a stewardship approach that ensures we meet the standards required for our customers and promotes a well-functioning investment market over the long-term.

Our responsible investment principles


The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.