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Capital Gains Tax on stocks and shares

Date: 01 May 2020

1 minute read

Quick reference guides

The following guides are designed to assist you in calculating the gains on the disposal of shares or units in a collective investment scheme.

Guide 1 - Section 104 Holdings

This guide covers the steps required to calculate the gain on a disposal. It also explains how to account for income generated by the fund.

Read guide

Guide 2 - Share identification rules

This guide builds on the principles of guide 1. It covers the rules for calculating the gain on a disposal where a purchase in the same fund is made on the same day, or within 30 days, of that disposal.

Read guide

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The information provided in this article is not intended to offer advice.

It is based on Quilter's interpretation of the relevant law and is correct at the date shown. While we believe this interpretation to be correct, we cannot guarantee it. Quilter cannot accept any responsibility for any action taken or refrained from being taken as a result of the information contained in this article.

The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.