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Dementia / Alzheimer’s

There are more than 100 different types of Dementia.

It’s the name given for a group of symptoms such as loss of memory, language difficulties, problem solving, mood/personality changes, and perception changes that are severe enough to interfere with daily routine and relationships. It’s not a part of aging, although older adults are more likely to be affected.

You or a loved one may experience the following, which can make managing your finances more challenging:

  • Find it difficult to process information
  • Feel disorientated/confused/anxious
  • Not be able to answer simple questions or take in new information
  • Live with memory loss
  • Experience thoughts of paranoia
  • Confuse timescales and refer to things that happened years ago as if they had only happened recently.

If you have been recently diagnosed, you may want to start making plans for keeping your finances in order. If you are a family member or carer, you may be looking for support to manage an individual’s affairs on their behalf. For more information, please select either of these options:

We will help you to break down processes linked to your account into smaller tasks, supporting you along the way. Further support and information can be found from organisations such as:

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The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.