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How do I set up an expression of wish (EOW) for a client and where can I see that this has been noted?

If you sent us an Expression of Wish before migration, then this will not appear online. Please be assured that the instruction is still held in our internal system.

There are two types of expression of wish that can be set up on a client’s account, a straightforward Expression of Wish, or a Cascading Expression of Wish.

Straightforward Expression of Wish

A straightforward EOW is where beneficiaries are nominated to receive 100% of the pension, for example, 50% to Sam Smith and 50% to Isla Smith.

You can instruct this online using our 'How do I' user guide. If you would like to update a straightforward EOW that you have previously sent us so that you can see it noted on the account, then you can do this by following this guide.

Cascading Expression of Wish

A cascading EOW is where you can select an initial beneficiary, and then nominate further beneficiaries.

For example, 100% to Sam Smith, however if he dies before me or is alive but does not wish to receive it, then I nominate my two children, Isla Smith to receive 50% and Ben Smith 50%.

You can set up or amend a cascading nomination online via our platform.

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