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How do I set up an expression of wish (EOW) for a client and where can I see that this has been noted?

Date: 26 October 2022

2 minute read

What you’ll need to get started

  • The name of the client (they must already be set up on the platform) and the details of the client’s Collective Retirement Account.
  • Details of the beneficiaries to add to the Expression of Wish, which can include secondary beneficiaries if there is a requirement for cascading nominations. Please be aware we need an address for each beneficiary listed on the Expression of Wish. If you or your client are not comfortable adding in this address, please add the Quilter address in its place (Quilter, Sunderland, SR43 4JP).

Setting up and viewing an expression of wish (EOW): Step-by-step

1. From the homepage, search for the relevant client.

2. Select the relevant account from the client’s dashboard.

3. Select Pension details on the righthand side of the screen (this is next to the performance details percentages).

4. Click Edit and scroll down to Beneficiaries and Expression of Wish.

5. If no beneficiaries are there, change the answer to the question “Do you want to set up an expression of wish?” to yes.

6. Click on “Add Primary Beneficiary”.

7. Complete the fields as required, adding 100% to the Proportion box. Please be aware we need an address for each beneficiary listed on the Expression of Wish. If you or your client are not comfortable adding in this address, please add the Quilter address in its place (Quilter, Sunderland, SR43 4JP).

8. If you want to add additional primary beneficiaries, repeat steps 6 & 7, amending the proportion box to ensure it adds to 100% total each time.

9. When you have completed entering all beneficiaries click Update.

10. If you want to add a cascading expression of wish, click edit next to the Pension Details option on the page and scroll down to the list of primary beneficiaries.

11. Next to the beneficiaries, you have a box titled “Add Secondary Beneficiary”.  Click on this and a text box will appear.  This allows you to enter the required purpose of the cascade, such as “in the event that my aforementioned beneficiary no longer required the proceeds, please consider my son and daughter in equal proportions”.

12. Then complete the details section for the secondary beneficiaries, adding all of the individuals one at a time and click update when you have finished the exercise. Please be aware we need an address for each beneficiary listed on the Expression of Wish. If you or your client are not comfortable adding in this address, please add the Quilter address in its place (Quilter, Sunderland, SR43 4JP).

13. To view the noted expression of wish in future – select Pension details.

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