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How do I invest in a Collective Investment Account (CIA) which is going to be held within another investment?

A benefit of our CIA is that it can be held as an asset within another investment, such as an offshore bond, a SIPP or a SSAS. The CIA investment can be with Quilter, or another provider. This guide will cover the steps and requirements to apply for a CIA when it is going to be held as an asset within another product.

Date: 26 October 2022

1 minute read

What you’ll need to get started

  • Policy details of the external investment and details of the external provider
  • Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code
  • Details of any applicable trustees or relevant contacts
  • Investment amount
  • Assets being invested into

Read time: 4 minutes

How do I

Helpful information for SIPP/SSAS applications

The client of Quilter is taken to be the Pension Scheme. The authorised signatures are taken to be the pension scheme trustees (or those with the necessary permissions). The interested party is taken to be the person (the underlying client of the pension scheme) - they may also hold other plans with Quilter.

Once a SIPP/SSAS has been opened with an external provider, our Collective Investment Account (CIA) is a possibility for investment. Investments into the CIA will be made in the name of the scheme provider. Accounts will usually, but not always, refer to their underlying customer (the ‘member’). It is important to contact the provider to confirm that the CIA is considered an eligible investment for the scheme before making the application.

Generally, a scheme might use a corporate trustee (a company set up for the sole purpose of acting as a trustee), possibly in combination with individually named trustees. All trustees listed on the CIA are required to sign together on all instructions.

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