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How do I bulk switch accounts into the latest model portfolio?

This step-by-step summary explains how to switch multiple accounts into your latest model investment portfolio. You can also redirect ongoing contributions into the portfolio. When switching this way, we'll only buy and sell what we need to. Only holdings in the model portfolio will be switched.

Date: 26 October 2022

2 minute read

What you’ll need to get started

  • The name of the old closed model portfolio you want to switch out of.
  • The name of the open portfolio. The portfolio must already be set up on the system.
  • A list of the clients’ accounts you’d like to switch into the model portfolio.
  • You’ll need to know whether you want to redirect any ongoing contributions into the model portfolio, as well as switching existing holdings.

Read time: 2 minutes

Bulk switching into a model portfolio: Step-by-step

1. From the homepage, click on the ‘Portfolios’ tab.

2. Select the closed model portfolio you want to switch out of from the list displayed.

3. Click on the ‘Portfolio switch’ button at the top of the screen.

4. Select ‘Switch out’

5. On the next screen, complete the fields about the advice that’s been given.

  • Confirm whether to switch the account holdings, and/or redirect ongoing contributions into the model portfolio.

6. Click the View all accounts’ option. This will show you all clients in the current version of the model as well as any previous versions. Now select the clients you wish to switch.

  • Click ‘Next’.

7. Details of the accounts selected will be displayed on screen. Click on the red cross to remove any accounts if required.

  • Click ‘Next’.

8. Now you will have to select the model portfolio you want to switch your client to. You can view all model portfolios or search by name.  

  • Click ‘Next’.

9. Review the information you have entered.

  • Use the ‘Edit’ options to make any amendments.
  • Generated documentation will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  • Tick the declarations and then click ‘Submit’.
  • The message at the top of the screen confirms that your instruction has been submitted.
  • You can view the instruction from your ‘Recent Activity’ tab on the homepage or within the ‘Activities’ tab on the client’s dashboard.

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